Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Nashie!!!

Nash's birthday started out normal enough. He had a fever the day before but I was hoping he would be feeling better for his birthday!
The kids have Tae Kwon Do on Saturdays so I had to wake him up and he wasn't too happy about that!

 But we got a shirt on him and took him down stairs where I had the table all set up for him! Doughnuts and all his favorite cars and tractors helped keep the grumpies at bay!

This boy brings so much joy to our lives! He is adored by all his siblings and they will do anything for him! Including- changing diapers, cleaning up his messes, taking him with them to their friends houses, taking him out to jump on the tramp first thing in the morning, and searching all over until they find his missing car or sippy cup! I have a good bunch of kids and I couldn't do it with out them!

(We are missing Indy in this picture, she got to go to Comicon with her best friend Siena! So sad that the time has come when she will be busy and doing more grown up things, but so happy that she is a responsible good girl,with great friends!)

 He loved the cars I had set out on the table he wasn't really interested in the doughnuts or sausages which was a little weird and he wouldn't let us light his candle with fire or sing to him. So I knew he wan't feeling all better yet!

 (The dog ended up getting on the counter and eating all the leftover doughnut while we were at tae kwon do, I probably should be glad she saved us from the calories... But we kinda weren't! )

 He loved his birthday card from Grandma and Grandpa Jacobson and would "Rawr" at everyone with the card, it was so cute!

Indy went to comicon, Libby had a soccer game and Ellie and Milo went to tae kwon do. So me and Nash went to Walmart and picked out some trucks and farm animals he has been wanting!
(Notice the rash starting on his cheeks, something was up but I still wasn't sure. He had a rash on his inner thighs too but I though it was a heat rash from his fever yesterday. But just a reminded to all moms out there! Sanitize your shopping carts before you put your kids in them!)

We went home and played with his new trucks and toys! Then our neighbor Kari came over with a big tub full of  Lincoln logs and a train set! Nash was in heaven and played with all his new toys for the rest of the morning.

His Momo and Uncle Justin both came by with gifts for him since they were leaving to go out of town that evening! Nash loved the visits and the new cars!!

Then things started to go down hill from there. More rashes popping up and I started getting a sinking feeling that this was the dreaded Hand Foot and Mouth disease, which is a virus that starts as a fever and as the fever goes away the itchy rash pops up. Including sores in his mouth. It was awful and he was miserable the rest of the day and all Sunday! I quarantined the whole family and kept everyone home from church just to be sure we didn't spread it!

 I did make him some brownies and ice cream last night when he seemed to be feeling a little better so we could sing to him and have him blow out his candles. But all in all the birthday was a flop ;( and we are totally going to have to do a redo birthday party for him when he is better!

Here is his birthday song from last night! (He is in a phase where he doesn't want to wear clothes and I let him when he isn't feeling well and it's his birthday!)

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