Monday, November 10, 2014


 I just don't think Halloween can pass by without taking my kids to a pumpkin patch. And this year, let me tell ya, it almost didn't happen! Even if I was a woman with no children I would still be busy! But add on to my regular woman schedule that of 5 children and it makes it near impossible to plan a fun extra curricular activity, even if we all want to do it!! I ended up checking my kids out of school early so we could go to Jakers and have enough time to play before getting back to Indy and Ellie's Roadshow practice at 6. (Which I forgot to take them to anyway until 7, but let's not talk about that! I tried, okay!)

Jakers Jack o Lantern is a free pumpkin land type place! You really can go and have a blast and not spend a cent! They do have pumpkins for sale of course and this year they had a corn maze that you could pay to do. But everything else is free!

 They have a corn pit that was awesome! Nash loved it and so did everyone else!

The kids have so much fun on the two big tunnel slides!

 What is better that climbing to the top of a hay bale mountain!

 Look at those cute farm animals!

 This was seriously the biggest pig I ever saw! This picture doesn't do it justice! It had to weigh more that 500 pounds!

 There was even a kangaroo. Good thing we didn't come on Monday night night because my dad said that they were there Monday and his owner came and picked him up and said he had to go home for family night! :0)

 My parents and Justin live just down the street from Jakers so they came and met us there!

 I love these corn maze pictures! Something about the golden stalks and blue skies makes for enchanting pictures! But maybe that's just me!

I didn't get a picture while we were on the hay ride but the kids love that too!

I love that Jakers has become a part of our yearly tradition!

Here was us last year at Jakers! Look how much our family has changed in one year!

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