Sunday, September 28, 2014

Nash turns ONE!!

 Another big milestone birthday this year!
One year ago from Friday I woke up anxiously awaiting my call from the hospital to go in and get induced! I was done waiting and I wanted to meet my baby! After a smooth labor and delivery he was put in my arms and life was complete! Now after a year of many sleepless nights, and even more very busy days we made it!

 Nash turned ONE on September 26th but today was our party day and since the kid is only one I decided to just make it his special day all in one!

His birthday started out with waffles and lots of 'em!

 He was so happy when we started singing to him! 

If you want to see it live go  here! And watch Indy almost ruin everything! I guess Nash doesn't like cream!

Can you tell how adored this baby is??

 Do you think he knows he has us all wrapped around his little finger??

 I changed him into his birthday shirt. He wasn't sure if he liked it but he got used to it!

So the weather forecast has said there was a 60% chance of rain but the day had been beautiful! Blue skies with puffy white clouds so we thought we were in the clear and we were so happy would would get to do it outside after all!
The treat table

A sign all about the birthday boy!

The cake table

But about 30 min before the party some black clouds started rolling in, and then the lighting and thunder started booming and we decided we better move it all inside stat! We made it just in the nick of time!

The treat table moved inside!

The cake table moved inside!

Oh my gosh how cute is that!?

The friends start arriving!

And family too!

Cute boys! (And when will Milo grow out of this pajama phase!?)

Holly and Tyson

Matt and Kate and baby Hannah!

And Kate brought these adorable little acorn treats! 

 Shelley and Enoch

Jared enjoying some time with the guests!

Opening presents! Nashie got spoiled!

Birthday song time!
Go here to see it live!

 He enjoyed smashing this cupcake!

 We were so lucky to have my Grammy and my Auntie B here visiting! Love this picture!

Some photo booth shots! The kids loved doing this but I didn't get very many adults that were interested!

Well, that's it! Nash is one! I can't believe I made it! This baby has been our most difficult kid yet and I am so happy that we got this first year under our belts! It can only get better from here- right!???

1 comment:

  1. Such an adorable party for an adorable baby boy. Loved everything! All Jared's wood cake stands etc were so cute with the toadstool cupcakes, and little woodland creature bowls. Amazing job Carrilyne!
